- 金融园区 Finance Park
- 交通园区 Transportation Park
- 物流园区 Logistic Park
- 娱乐园区 Entertainment Park
- 教育园区 Education Park
- 医疗园区 Medical Service Park
- 信息技术园区 IT Park
- 绿色能源园区 Green Energy Park
- 旅游园区 Travel and Tourism Park
- 农业园区 Agriculture Park
- 国际会展中心 International Exhibition Centre
- 影视制作基地 Film And Television Production Studio
- 动漫制作基地 Animation And Comic Production Studio
- 游戏制作基地 Digital Game Production Studio
- 高尔夫球场 Golf Course
- 游艇帆船码头 Seaport And Yacht Harbor
- 通用航空机场 General Aviation Airport
- 博彩演艺中心 Casio and Entertainment Centre
- 水疗养生会所 SPA
- 娱乐主题公园 Theme Park
- 商务会议酒店 Business Hotel And Conference Centre
- 奢华度假村Luxurious Resort
- 赛马马术场 Racetrack
- 免税购物中心 Duty Free Shopping Centre
- 离岸银行 Offshore Bank
- 离岸基金 Offshore Fund
- 保险公司 Insurance
- 离岸信托 Offshore Trust
- 证券理财 Securities and Asset Management
- 小额信贷 Micro Credit Company
- 融资租赁 Financial Leasing Company
- 离岸呼叫中心 Offshore Call Centre
- 离岸支付中心 Offshore Payment Centre
- LOFT型SOHO商住楼 Loft SOHO Business-living Building
- 5A级奢华办公楼 Luxury 5A Business Centre
- 独栋总部办公楼 Headcounter Building
- 太阳能发电厂 Solar Power Plant
- 风能发电厂 Wind Power Plant
- 海水淡化厂 Seawater Desalination Plant
- 污水处理厂 Sewage Treatment Plant
- 邮轮码头改造 Harbor And Cruise Terminal Improvement
- 国际机场改造 International Airport Improvement
- 亚洲直航航线 Asia-Antigua Direct Airline and Cruise Line Development
- 物流仓库 Logistics Warehouse
- 呼叫外包中心 Off Source Call Centre
- 互联网数据中心 Internet Data Centre
- 旅游医疗设施 Medical Tourism Facility
- 医疗教育机构 Medical Education Institution
- 养老服务机构 Senior Citizens Care Center
- 高端幼儿园 High-end Kindergarten
- 高端国际学校 High-end International School
- 汽车4S店 Automobile 4s Store
- 电动车充电站 Electric Vehicle Charging Station
- 油气加油站 Oil Gas Station
- 高端中餐厅 Luxury Chinese Restaurant
- 精品商店 Luxury Shop
- 停车场 Parking Lots And Facilities